For our suppliers

When undertaking procurement, we ensure that costs, quality and sustainability are taken into account. We therefore have a few requirements that apply to our current and future suppliers.


Our purchasing strategy

Eviny invests significantly in both new and existing facilities, and parts of our business are regulated by the Public Procurement Act and the rules in the Procurement Regulations.

Regardless of whether a procurement is subject to the regulations or not, they should as a general rule be carried out according to the following principles:

  • Qualified suppliers: our suppliers must document compliance with our requirements for HSE, quality (QA/QS), and economy
  • Competition: equal treatment, non-discrimination, and traceability
  • Social conditions: We shall combat any form of corruption and fraud

This is how Eviny addresses the supplier market

We mainly use these channels to invite suppliers to our procurements:

  • Eviny's purchasing portal Ivalua (åpnes i nytt vindu)
  • Achilles qualification scheme (åpnes i nytt vindu), a common qualification scheme for energy companies in the Nordics.

Ethical guidelines and sustainability

Eviny has committed to acting in a sustainable, ethical and socially responsible manner. Eviny's ethical basis is based on conventions and guidelines drawn up by international organizations such as the UN, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the International Labor Organization (ILO).

This commitment can only be achieved if our suppliers and partners act in the same way, in line with standards that are consistent with the expectations set out in this document.

Our invoicing requirements

When you send us or any of our companies an invoice, we have some guidelines you need to follow:

  • Invoice shall be submitted in EHF format to the right companyIf you cannot send invoices in an EHF format, you can send them in pdf format to
  • Terms of payment are 30 days
  • Any reminders shall be sent to
  • Invoices, invoice copies or reminders should not be sent to employees' e-mail addresses

Marking invoices

It is important that the fields titled "your ref" and "order no." are correctly filled in:

  • Your ref. (BuyersReference): the employee number of the person in the company who will receive the invoice. Employee numbers only have 3, 4, or 5 digits.
  • Order no.: ("cac:orderReference"cbc:ID"): if you have received an order from our order system (IBX), the order number must be entered in the field entitled Order no.

We prefer sustainable deliveries

By undertaking good procurement and having active supplier relationships, we contribute towards ensuring sustainable value chains.

For example: waste management, packaging, transport emissions and environmental certification will be important aspects in respect of competitive tendering.

With a clear vision of zero emissions and a desire to be the most sustainable group in Western Norway, we require our suppliers to:

  • actively contribute towards compliance with the UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • minimise harmful emissions and waste production in a life cycle perspective
  • comply with international business ethics conventions (CSR)
  • avoid violating human rights
  • comply with the Regulations relating to wages and working conditions when providing services

Contact us

Eviny is organized like a group, where Eviny AS is the parent company. In Group Details, you'll find information about all the companies in the Eviny Group, including company registration numbers and other kinds of information.

Go to group details